
Research definition on Wikipedia

There are two different types of research; formal and informal.

For more complex business reports, one needs to use a formal research method which includes:

Internet Research:

Step-by-step guide from the Monash University Library 

Guidelines, netiquette, and case studies from Terry Brainerd Chadwick 

Library Research:

Tutorial for an effective library research from the London University 

Interviews and Surveys:

How to conduct a survey from Kevin Boone

For most routine tasks, a simple informal research would be adequate.  These include writing emails, memos, letters informational reports, and oral presentations.  You can look in the files, talk to your boss/colleagues, and conduct an informal survey.

These links include formal and informal research methods:

Basic business research method from the Free Management Library 

Research project flowchart from RD Direct 

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Research blog

Research peer-reviewed journal 

Research discussion forum